About Me

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I am a woman, mother and grandmother and love being all three! I have many interests as you will find out if you read all my profile! I would say I am just a normal woman, but I have no idea what normal is. We are all so different but very unique in our own way anyway aren't we? We only have one life this isn’t a dress rehearsal so make the most of it and try and achieve what it is you want in life I treat people they way I wish to be treated and I think most people would agree they would like the same!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Oh my MP3 player retired today now I am in two minds if I should get another or not.
Some of them are so expensive, and if you are going to get one you have to make sure it's a good one.
The new ipod looks pretty good but there are lots of brands out there to chose from

Oh well I will make up my mind tomorrow after a little more searching on here

Do any of you use an MP3 player? I used mine lots for school would listen to music while I worked lol
I also would have my memory sticks with me which are really handy with lots of space to load onto it for home work etc
They are really handy even for use in the library so many uses for them I couldn't mention everything there useful for!

okay enough dribbling on will catch you all later good night :-)


Lakshmi said...

hi, hope that you get another mp3 ..

MrsS said...

You've got to treat yourself to another MP3 player SW. I have an Aigo http://www.amazon.co.uk/AIGO-A208-Player-Secured-Support/dp/B000BY4T5W (2GB) version and it's great. You might not get this type in the USA but I'm sure your choices will be many and varied.

I use it during the night if I wake up and can't sleep and, like you, I store files on it. I don't use it that much, but I wouldn't like to be without one. Be good to yourself! xx