Bizarro is a fictional character, a doppelgänger of DC Comics’ Superman. Created by writer Otto Binder and artist George Papp, he first appeared in Superboy #68 (October 1958).
Due to a somewhat disjointed continuity, several versions of Bizarro have appeared in DC comic books, all of them inversions of Superman (or Superboy) with gray or chalk-white skin, a twisted sense of logic which typically manifests as a superficial "opposite" of anything Superman would do or say and a resultant speech pattern ("Me am going to kill you" would mean "I will save you" in Bizarro speech). Due to his imperfections, Bizarro is frequently a foe of Superman, but sometimes finds himself in the role of hero (in this case, an anti-hero).
The original Bizarro was created when Superboy was exposed to a "duplicate ray." In accordance with the science fiction concepts of Superman stories of the era, a subsequent version of Bizarro would relocate to "the Bizarro World," a cubical planet called Htrae [in keeping with Bizarro logic, Earth spelled backwards] which operated under "Bizarro logic" (it was a crime to do anything good or right) and which Bizarro populated with inverted versions of Superman’s supporting cast and other DC heroes.
The 1986 event Crisis on Infinite Earths rewrote DC’s continuity, eliminating Htrae. Since then, two Bizarro characters have appeared, one of them a flawed clone created by Lex Luthor. The second, longer lasting Bizarro, was an idea of the Joker, brought to life by the cosmic Mister Mxyzptlk.
Bizarro has been a consistent enemy of Superman since his first appearance. Faithful adaptations of Bizarro appeared in the animated series Super Friends and series in the subsequent DC animated universe. Also, doppelgängers of Superman with some attributes of Bizarro appeared in live action adaptations.
Bizarro and the Bizarro World have become somewhat well known in popular culture, and the term Bizarro is used as to describe anything that utilizes twisted logic or that is the opposite of something else. [1]
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