About Me

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I am a woman, mother and grandmother and love being all three! I have many interests as you will find out if you read all my profile! I would say I am just a normal woman, but I have no idea what normal is. We are all so different but very unique in our own way anyway aren't we? We only have one life this isn’t a dress rehearsal so make the most of it and try and achieve what it is you want in life I treat people they way I wish to be treated and I think most people would agree they would like the same!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


In statistics love around the world

Everyone has their own theory on which country is the best to find love, who the sexiest people are and who are more susceptible to falling into bed. However, to avoid using crude national stereotypes, we have decided to use science to decide once and for all.

And what could be more scientific than culling random statistics from various dubious global surveys and reports? Here's exactly what to expect around the world...


According to a 2005 global survey conducted by condom brand Durex, Greece is the sexiest nation on earth. Respondents averaged out at 138 bouts of passion every year, which is well above the global average of 103. Croatia came in second with 134 and the Japanese may as well take vows of chastity.


Portuguese men are the least shallow people on earth, according to a 2006 poll by Harlequin Enterprises. Nearly half said that intelligence is the major turn-on for them, so women should prepare to engage in stimulating debate rather than heave up the cleavage. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Australian men came rock bottom on this one. Better still with the Portuguese, you can tee them up online before you go — 50 percent said Internet dating was a good way of meeting someone.


Don't expect to spring too many surprises in Germany — they start them early over there. According to the 2005 Durex survey, the average German starts sex education at the tender age of 11.3. Which means that by the age the Vietnamese start (16) the Germans are probably fully aware of even the trickiest Kama Sutra positions. In a huge shock result, the Germans are the ones most obsessed with a partner having a sense of humour; 70 percent of German women said it was the key factor in initial attraction (Harlequin Enterprises, 2006). The Maldives
It's one of the most romantic locations on earth, but the chances of it lasting with a local aren't good. The Maldives has the world's highest divorce rate, and by a long stretch. There are an incredible 10.97 new divorcees per 1000 inhabitants every year, according to the United Nations. Libya is the best place to head for something permanent — the corresponding figure there is 0.24.


Before disappearing off for a night of sordid lust in Iceland, make sure you do an ID check. According to the 2005 Durex survey, the average Icelander loses their virginity at the age of 15.6. It's a much safer bet in India, with cherries popping at the age of 19.8. Italy
The idea of the romantic Casanova stops the minute you're taken back to his place, and have to deal with his mum. Italy has an astonishingly high rate of children staying in the parental home until they get married — over 23 percent of 30 to 34-year-olds are still there (IRP/ CRN, 1998).


If you prefer your lover to be thoroughly road-tested, head to Turkey. According to the 2005 Durex survey, Turkey is the most promiscuous nation on earth, with the average Turk having had 14.5 sexual partners. However, Australia does manage to put in a sterling effort here, finishing second with 13.3. And to think Australians have a reputation for being easy...


For sheer, outright gorgeous women, drooling males should head to Venezuela. The country boasts five winners of Miss World — more than any other nation on earth. Norway
If there's one place to make sure you bring a big box of condoms to, it's Norway; 53 percent of the population claims to be unsatisfied with the amount of sex they're getting (Durex, 2005). And then it's probably best to get checked out afterwards. Norway has the dubious honour of being the place where most people have unprotected sex — 73 percent according to the same poll. Greece is second with 70 percent. Unsurprisingly, Norwegians also top the Sexually Transmitted Infection league table — 21 percent admit to having had one. And, to round off what is emerging to be a pretty seedy reputation, Norway wins at one-night stands too — 70 percent of the survey respondents have had one.


Meanwhile, the Poles are either very safety-conscious or lying through their teeth. Only four percent admitted to having caught an STI. Quite how such conscientious use of condoms tallies with the country's strong Catholicism isn't clear. Pacific Islands
Shallow types looking for partners with a svelte build should avoid the South Pacific — eight of the 10 fattest countries on earth can be found there. Nauru comes top of the portly potential pick-up list, with 95 percent of the population overweight according to the World Health Organisation. Next are the Federated States of Micronesia, then the Cook Islands, Tonga, Niue, Samoa and Palau.


China is the place to go if you want to look good. Only 22 percent of people there are contented with their sex life (Durex, 2005), which means a bit of talent could go a long, long way. A tougher task awaits in Belgium, where people are broadly happy with what they're getting (57 percent). However, it is the place to go if you're after a lengthy session — 15 percent of tried tantric sex, a figure way ahead of anywhere else. Curiously, the Chinese are also by far the most likely to have joined the Mile High Club — nine percent claim to have done the dirty on a plane.


His Girl Friday said...

haha, my hubby is of German/Swiss German extraction mostly...(grew up hearing his mum's polka records poor thing ;)) I'll have to let him know!!

I'm surprised about the Norwegians...had heard they were sort of stoic, etc ;)

and here they didn't say a thing about the Scots nor the Irish.... ;)))

my UK cousin told me to beware of sending an Aussie out to buy packaging tape....' could you run down to the market and buy me some Durex, please' ;))

SecretWishes said...

One day I was going to the local shop here I was only here maybe a week and my step father asked me to get some Durex I was flapper gassed I thought you dirty old man

I was adamant I wasn't going to ask for them

But I soon found out what Durex is here!

Heck some countries haven't some strange names for things don't they?

Scotland Durex is Condoms! and where you are to I take it hgf


His Girl Friday said...

I'll have to have a look at the brand names, of course without my children in tow!! ;) The one main brand I know of are, Trojans.

If you don't mind me asking, are you from Scotland originally, or a born and bred Australian? :)
My cousin lives in England, so I guess between the north and south borders Durex miraculously changes... ;)

Lots of fun jokes on your blog...thanks for the chuckles!! :))

SecretWishes said...

I'm from Scotland originally left there in 1972 :-)

We all need a bit of a laugh now and then don't we :-)

My name is Jan

MrsS said...

Talking of countries having strange names for things... ... ... the American interpretation of the word 'fanny' is completely different to ours (which I won't go into!!!SW).

SecretWishes said...

Trust MrsS lmao I like it!

I don't like the word either here it's used same way as America but when I hear it I think of our meaning Opps maybe I have a dirty mind (shucks red face now) J/K (just kidding) J :-)

His Girl Friday said...

Hi Jan, and MrsS,
the small day packs for the waist are called 'fanny packs' here. And yes, I know the other meaning!! haha!!

my friends went to Australia, and gave their UK transplant friends a blushing laugh when he says, "honey, I need your fanny pack." (His name was Randy). She says "Sure, but I'm stuffed", just having eaten.
...It's all in the translation, baby!! ;D